



my dad had a problem when he would lift after the stripe it would break the trans . he tried mounts , shafts, shocks and a ton of other things. he went through 4 housing . new leaf springs fixed the problem. its getting to the point where age HAS to be considered on parts, if they are beat on or not

That is usually caused by by pinion angle being wrong

the set pinion angle had nothing to do with it.
going from under heavy load to relaxed had the pinion moving because of the front of the spring being shot , it would let the rearend yolk move up and down too much.

pinion angle has everything to do with it what the heck do you think happens when the rearend yoke moves up and down to much?

thats why i put the "set" pinion angle.. changing it with shims or rewelding the perch would not stop the problem. the leafs was the problem.. thats like saying running over a chunck of steel didnt cause the wreck, the flat tire did..