I sold the 48 plymouth coupe at Long Beach last sunday so now some bills are paid and there is a little more room around here and I have some $$$$ to finish the interior in Squattie

well I did some work this week on the 46 COE PU project,
I put the front fender and nose on it and decided that I need to raise the body mounts about 2 more inches because now I plan to put the 5.2efi/518 back in front under the floor soooo the higher the body is the less intrusive the engine will be and if I need to get it lower after its done I could always get dropped spindles

I'LL post some pics later tonight, I just came in from shortening the frame 26" I want this one short and I was going to go from 132" down to 100" but my some talked me into 106" he wanted 110-115" so I settled on 106 thats what a ram charger is and I have had a few of them and they worked good for me.

well anyway I cut it and welded back together(except for the bottom I'll do that when I raise it up) and it looks pretty short just what I wanted. Ron...