"According to Big Money Lewis, Canadian cars have entirely different radios with the word "Chryco" on the face. "

Well, that's not exactly what I said . What I meant was , every time I have ever seen a "Chryco"
face radio, for example on e-bay, it has been located in Canada. I don't mean every Y07 spec car should have a Chryco face . I will say that ,
I have personally handled over 1,000 68-9 B body
am thumbwheel radios, and I have NEVER held a chryco in my hands, however, I have seen at least
30-40 listed for sale over the last couple years
, all were located in Canada .
The part # you gave, honestly I don't see it showing up in any books so far. Honestly, I know very little about the elusive Chryco .
It sounds like this is a topic worthy of more research .
