No beef from me. You guys did not miss anything trust me..As for the slanderous comment, I dont get that at all. Quoting someone is not slanderous. I was just referring to a post that SSR made way back when I posted the video of the wheelstand, and comments he subsequently made about my lack of drivign ability in another post. He said that I could not drive and he would never line up against me. Nothing salnderous there he made the comment plain and simple, I was just referencing it plain and simple. It is kind of a running joke with friends of mine and I. If you took offense to me referencing the truth then so be it.

DrJ0-First off I think you are the one making this a big deal, but that is just my opinion fwiw. I find your comments troubling and frankly a bit odd. I dont try to impress anyone here. I dont care what others think of me, if you knew me personally you woudl find that out very quickly. I was referring to a comment made out of the blue by your friend towards me. You should know as well as I what he said, you appear on every thread I have ever clicked on him. I have refrained from doing that anymore myself. If there is something I have said about someone else that was not a retort to a comment they made feel free to point it out to me, not my practice to say anything bad about anyone. But if they makes comments about me I will usually respond. If you have PM's from me saying anything about anyone who is currently a member here feel free to post them up.....