Interesting post.

A couple of years ago I reached out to Bill Bader from Summit Motor Sports Park and asked him how does he not have complaints on social media?
We were struggling with dealing with racers gleefully hopping on the social media hate bus whenever we had a problem no matter if it was out of our control or not.
Bill’s response was our racers know how hard all of our staff work to give the racers the best experience possible.
As soon as the hate bus fires up racers will rush in to shut it down.
His advice was to keep working to get better, keep hiring the best people and keep striving to change the culture of the track.
All of our staff and all of our faithful racers go through struggles to have the time, opportunity and finances to come enjoy this sport of Drag Racing.
We are truly one big family.
Edgewater’s Matriarch has been sick and in and out of intensive care for the last six weeks. The weather yesterday was a struggle for all our staff and to top it off my son had a once a year Lacrosse tournament in Middletown which I help coach and I couldn’t be at the track. By the way, His team won the the tournament for the 4th year in a row. Quite proud of them.
I’m also incredibly proud of our stellar staff that pulled off a first rate race under difficult conditions and circumstances.
You are all truly the best.
This is getting long so I’ll wrap things up. I got home from the ER about 2am last night and I checked our social media in case I needed to get to work putting out fires and since I’ve been conditioned to expect the hate bus I was preparing to try to shut the bus down.
What I found was actually the opposite of what was expected.
The culture Has changed.
Kind words were everywhere.
The hard work of our staff is being noticed. People were understand that weather can cause issues and force cancellations. Racers were answering questions when we haven’t been able to get to them keeping us from dealing with complaints that our customer service is terrible.
It’s a Bright Day at Edgewater and Thank from the bottom family’s and of all our staff’s hearts.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time