I was taken by surprise when my Shelby Daytona sold. Younger kid came out and looked, seemed pretty impressed, said he had to talk to his dad about it.
3-days later he says he'll take it. We arrange a time for pickup.... he comes out, pays cash. Drives car away.

Didn't argue one bit about the price. I did have to put a new master cylinder in the car but that was no big deal.
Usually, selling cars is like pulling teeth. I'm also cursed in the fact that every car that I've brought back from the dead and sold; gets destroyed. So, I'm hoping this one breaks that curse.

But other than with the Shelby.... selling stuff has been a never ending nightmare. People asking ridiculous questions that could be easily answered by a simple Google Search. Trying to trade things that are worthless. Asking to halve the asking price or more. I was asking $7500 for the Shelby. The week before the kid bought it I had some woman from one town over offer .... and I quote: "I'll give you $2300 - take it or leave it." Like..... the audacity of some people. I can't tell if it's bravado or ignorance anymore.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....