Originally Posted by Moparite
How come they are not going after the airline industry? Thousands of gallons of fuel being wasted to transport 25 people per plane. If the plane is not 90% full it shouldn't leave the ground! Of course the US is so far behind the rest of the world in high speed rail it's pathetic. So plane or car is the only way. Guess we will be seeing more charging stations/hotels since we can't get to our destination on a charge. But who is going to pay for this? We will just tack on a additional charge to any EV being sold. Then don't forget the EV's weigh more and cause more damage to the roads they all ready don't fix so will have to tack on more additional charges for that. Now the state is loosing the the percentage of gasoline tax they charge so again will have to tack on more charges. At what point is it not economically feasible to buy a EV? Then if you do you have to get rid of it before the battery dies and have to spend thousands for a replacement.

High speed rail would be a joke in the U.S. It's feasible elsewhere but not here. I don't know one single person who would use the rail if it was built... shruggy

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!