A local shop is upgrading and since I'm in pretty tight with the owner, he's offered me some shop equipment at more than reasonable prices. This weekend, despite the weather, we dragged home a Hunter computerized balancer and an FMC B601 brake lathe. Also, a boat load of the accessories as well. All I seem to be missing for the lathe are two bell clamps.... oddly, one of the largest ones and one of the smallest ones. The balancer, all that was missing was the caliper for measuring rim width but I got a new one on the way already from Amazon for $30.

In regards to the lathe though, I can see through the sight glass that it's low on oil. It didn't come with a manual, sadly. Does anybody know what kind of oil these would use?

Spent most of the weekend cleaning everything up. Even been using my Ultra Sonic to clean all the cones and whatnot. Hopefully, I can find some bell clamps and more accessories at the Portland Swapmeet next month.

Fat Slav Garage 003.JPG
Last edited by That AMC Guy; 03/04/24 12:42 AM.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....