Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy
Originally Posted by sasquatch
Well maybe you would like to speak with me then. WHO helped fix the mess that KB created? Who is out THOUSANDS of dollars? YOU HAVE A LOT of wires crossed here. Trust me when I say YOU do not want to dance with me on this. I have every email and receipt from the last 8 years of CRAP. I understand that Tim has gotten things under better control now but there is a LOT of water under this bridge you know nothing about. Want to get wet ? Call me sometime? or ask TIM.
Todd Marsh
336 -283 -0800

When this blew up years ago, several people on here said things just didn’t seem right. Things that were posted didn’t add up. We even had mods that got upset that people called out the bs. I believe an advertiser on here was involved and that might’ve ruffled some feathers. Looks like the members were right to “see something, say something.”

I’d buy again from Todd Marsh. Others, not so much.

I agree with you. Todd absolutely took care of me. The process to get the block was absolutely ridiculous. All in all it was close to two yrs from order till block arrived. This was absolutely not on Todd. Not sure if any more ever came in after mine. It should not be that hard to get a block.
