Originally Posted by sasquatch
No it was not. It was Darren Beal. Darren Tedder is a nice guy in Georgia who built some wicked hemi motors. Darren Beal is an Australia business guy who tried to run KB and only ran it into the ground.
Ask me how I know?????
One day when I have time I will tell you guys that whole story, but not today. Still ongoing/

Thanks Todd. He was a former investment banker if I recall, based in Queensland. Years ago he was asking for advice on buying a engine machine shop and ended up buying in to KB. Prior to buying in to KB I recall him posting pictures of work he was getting done on his 68 Charger.

Victor Bray, the now Vice President, has been advertising KB blocks here in Australia for sale. No idea if they are actually in stock or not. They are $14K Aud over here, he's got a reasonable mark up on them. I could buy one out of the US and ship it myself for about $2-3K Aud less

Alan Jones