I hear you there Potato. I have also bought cars from great people, and not so great people. The issue is my friend is in FL and the car is in WA so they are about as far apart as they could possibly be and he would be buying it without seeing it in person. I told him that from what I could tell after searching through his posts on FBBO the guy seems legit and that I saw no reason to doubt he is getting an accurate description of the car. Then I happened to see this thread where Carsten mentioned the seller possibly not having such a good reputation in Germany. Having said that, I feel like whenever you are selling a used vehicle there is a lot higher chance of a dissatisfied customer than if you were selling a more simple item like a book. I told him to give the guy a call and see what kind of feeling he gets after talking to him and his gut instinct may give him the answer on what he should do.