A longtime ago I was on the Ohio Turnpike cruising around 10mph over the speed limit with no one around in front of me. All of a sudden a mini pickup truck with another car following him so close I thought he was towing the car. They went by me doing about 20mph over the speed limit so I waited for both of them to get a 1/4 mile or so ahead and picked up my pace to match theirs. only traveled about a mile or two when I see a Trooper step out from his car parked on a service access right next to an overpass. He of course steps out and waves the two over and I had an Escort radar detector that was silent as I jumped on the brakes and the officer was still just standing there??? Yep he pulls me over, I take down the radar detector and pull to the front of the line. He walks by the two and up to me and says where are you going? I said (and it was the truth) "Going to a job interview" Trooper says "We got all three of you by aircraft, but you just joined the other two not to far back so I'm going to let you go". Pretty tough to spot aircraft but I still try to keep an eye out for them, wink