Originally Posted by oldjonny
Originally Posted by Dart 500
Originally Posted by Rhinodart
Today was the last day of Challenger/Charger build, RIP muscle! I think in the next couple of years from now when people finally realize they WILL have to buy a new EV the price of these will go through the roof... work

The way EV sales are currently imploding I bet they reverse a lot of the silly decisions they made over the last couple years, would not be surprised at all if they are working on an updated hemi either.

Much depends on 2024 and what we end up with politically. Ford, GM and to some extent Stelantis NEED the government to continue with mandates or they are screwed. They are in so deep with their EV 'investments' that reversing will be tough.

The new charger is set up to be both electric and gas powered, I predict 20:1 sales between gas to EV and the EV model being quietly discontinued. The next leaders of NA are both oil guys, all I'll say, and its coming very soon.