I am not sure if Larry Widmer’s forum posts are still on the web, but he did a much better job of describing how a small number of exactly spaced dimples can improve airflow.

Larry Widmer’s dad was an aerodynamic engineer justly famous for his contributions to the F-16 design.

This article describes how a dimple just past mid chord on the upper side of a wing improves flow.


Why do golf balls benefit from all around dimples?

A round ball is a terrible, terrible, terrible shape for an airplane wing.

Dimples all around make the golf ball a slightly less terrible wing shape - but only if the spin of the golf ball is correct to create up lift.

If the spin is wrong the dimples actually make the golf ball go right, left, or “down lift” into the grass faster.

Bumps most times work better than dimples.

Bird wings have bumps and notches rather than dimples.