Some thoughts “Boggle the Mind”

“Vaccine” now brings up in the mind a hypodermic syringe and a needle.

But the first “vaccine” was a “scratch and rub”

The skin on your arm would be scratched enough to bleed and the puss of a Smallpox disease blister would be rubbed into the new skin scrape.

So that time I “wiped out” on my motorcycle on that downhill gravel road and got my first “road rash” that was a “who knows what” vaccination.

Think of all the bleeds from nicks and scrapes you have had working on equipment - those are vaccinations of a sort.

The joke:
No machine will run properly until at least a drop of blood in sacrifice falls upon it.
... has a new hidden meaning.

Your first vaccination maybe was when they cut your umbilical cord just after birth.

Someone on Moparts is “the most vaccinated member” but it is impossible to know who if you consider cuts and scrapes.