My Uncle Peter as well - at 42!. The family will still tell the story how the doctor's described it as his heart literally exploding.
Peter's little brother, my Uncle John died at 63 of virtually the same thing.

I'm 42 now and my brother is 45. I'm overweight and my brother is already having Liver issues. Males in our family are just not destined for long lives.

We also think we're cursed because four generations of males have been unable to reproduce.

Uncle Peter had the Mumps when he was younger and was sterile because of it.
Uncle John married wrong - probably died a virgin - and wound up adopting two Romanian children.
My brother simply doesn't want kids.
I was born with a hernia, and as a child during the operation for said hernia; they wound up messing up my insides. Took two subsequent operations just to give me nuts that don't work.

And the ultimate irony is that we've recently discovered long-lost family in America.... and his son is gay. laugh2

Some days, you just can't hit the ground with your hat.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....