Originally Posted by moparx
this is a very PUBLIC APOLOGY to our member 6PAX, as well as the rest of our MOPARTS family !

Jim, i am so sorry i failed you on the time line i had promised on getting the kick down linkage out to you so it could easily be installed.
i never mentioned my dear wife has lost her memory, and i struggle daily with this. as long as i'm still above ground, she will not be put in a home.
i also have MS, and lately, it seems to be getting worse.
and now, i have a knee replacement i need to take care of............

i pride myself as a man of my word, and i have failed to live up to this standard...............
this apology has been long OVERDUE, and to all, i'm SORRY i failed in my commitment to our member 6PAX.
what was to be an easy installation has turned into an extremely frustrating hard to do install, as this is now having to be done with the engine and transmission, plus headers installed in Jim's A-body.
if i had lived up to my word, this would not have happened.

Jim, please accept my most humble apology, and i am SO SORRY i have caused you this unnecessary inconvenience..........

to our members, please accept my most humble apology that i did not live up to my word to one of our fellow MOPARTS members............

i am TRULY SORRY for all the inconvenience this has caused, and the faith of our MOPARTS fellowship i have let down.

to all, i am TRULY, TRULY, SORRY, and if possible, and you may see fit, please forgive me for my actions concerning this matter.


I may be mistaken but don’t you live here in Arizona? Phoenix area? If so, I can help you out getting the part sent out

“So if it’s on the internet it must be true”

Abe Lincoln