First off I'm not trying to wade into the agreement that you 6PAX had. That's between you two...
But what I want you to know (IMO) is that a public apology was unnecessary. I'm sure you've apologized to 6PAX, as it's obvious that this circumstance is playing heavy on your mind. Regardless of the high standards that you hold yourself to, we ALL fall a little bit short now and then. It sucks, and it obviously bothers you, guess what? No one else here is perfect either. Hopefully you've made the situation as good as you can by now, and honestly, that's all you can do. Don't beat yourself up over falling a little bit short. I don't know 6PAX circumstance (and it's non of my business), but I promise you it wasn't one of life and death.
Take care of yourself, take care of your wife, and hold your head high. You're a good man. twocents