Thanks guys for all the responses. It's crazy to think all the engines being built and things like rocker ratios may not be close to the cams we think we have! Lol. Obviously I haven't ever really given much thought to until now. Anyway, the rockers I have are the new design. They are a really nice rocker. Not knowing whether or not they will make more/less power, at this point in the build, I would rather try a different brand getting closer to the lift desired. At least I'll know it's closer. Plus doing it know will be easier then doing it down the road after I've had a chance to think about it. Going to a 1.6 might be an option also. However I wouldn't be comparing the same ratios if I did go that route. It really depends what is available in the HS flavor. Not looking to promising at Summit or Jegs for either ratio I'll have to call around later. The trick flows I have are set up for .700 lift as they were the only set available at time of purchase so they do have the heavier springs I believe.