A wedding band (ring) at Munich Airport on a return business trip from Austria. The whole way back I'm convinced I'll never find it and my wife will never believe the story. tsk I went through Customs and as I learned I took off EVERY piece of metal I had including belt, watch, wedding band (slide over watch and close metal band) shoes, cell phone, etc.,) put the loose things into briefcase, go through metal detector. Customs agent spots something in briefcase and asks to open it. Apparently because I could not see what they were looking at they opened the watch bracelet and the wedding band fell off, didn't see that. Everything is okay so I gather everything up and walk over to the seating area and sit there for a while. Get the boarding announcement and start to put everything back on and panic when I see the wedding band is missing. Nothing in the briefcase so I RUN back to Customs and sure enough the staff had changed shifts. I asked if a wedding band was found and they looked around quickly and nothing was found. They tell me to go to lost and found but boarding had already begun and this is an International flight to the US so I can't head there on the other side of the airport. I get home (a Saturday) and wait until Monday to call Munich Airport lost and found and surprise they FOUND IT!. But now they want proof that it's my wedding band before we/they can figure out how we get it back? Then I remember that I did a photo on how our minibike hand controls were too large and the clutch and brake lever handles were too far away for a child's small hands as they were spin-offs of adult controls. I knew I had a photo of my left hand next to my five year old son's hand with the ring on my hand and emailed it to them. Fortunately, another employee was heading back at the end of the week, got a power of attorney or something like that and he stopped at Lost and Found, picked it up and brought it back. Never, ever thought I would see that wedding band again. The lucky part of that was the explanation I told my wife, that rolled her eyes when I told her now became the truth, well worth more than the cost of a wedding band if she would even have wanted to get one argue laugh2.