Lost and found story: I once lost a 12 inch Crescent brand wrench wile working on a snow cat that the owner used to groom around 80 miles of snowmobile trails. I was disappointed to lose it, as it was a hand me down from a great uncle and was in perfect condition for a 40 year old tool. I figured that I would never see it again.
The next summer a friend of mine tells me how he was out driving to a remote lake along one of the trails. He was about 12 miles from the staging area, when the rear end on his truck broke. He got out of the truck to investigate and when he bent down he sees a wrench lying in the dirt. He tells me how he was bummed about the truck, but that he found a nice 12 inch crescent wrench! I told him about the wrench I left on the snow cat and I describe how it had some white paint on it. He says that this wrench had white paint on it, and gave it back to me.
This was about 16 years ago. I still have the wrench and I use it almost every day. I guess I was meant to have that wrench!