Originally Posted by ChryCoGuy

However, humans seem to generally think that we should never ever limit birthrates, and instead we have the hubris to believe that we can create some sort of technological solution, like electric cars, carbon capturing, etc etc etc. Meanwhile, population continues to grow and we will soon be facing food/water insecurity (for those of us who aren't yet), resources dwindling, etc etc.

They have been spewing this since at least the 70's. Guess what they are wrong and we have found numerous solutions to the so called problems you regurgitate. Those that believe increasing populations are an issue have now resorted to doing everything they can to eliminate/minimize/ban the solutions that have been successful.

The true test of how much you actually believe this crap would be you doing something personal about it. You're still breathing, contributing to the problem aren't you? Just like the global warming charlatans buying million dollar mansions on the beach.