I think the elephant in the room for all climate change conversations is the earth's population, which has exploded in recent decades. That, and countries around the world improving their standard of living so that all of those new people want/need creature comforts and conveniences. Not that you can blame them, we all want heating/cooling, stoves, refrigerators, vehicles, etc. etc. etc.

For some reason economies around the world only seem to function on growth in order to remain successful. So everybody is increasing populations either by births in more populous countries, or immigration in other countries where the birth rate is down. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that more people using energy = more pollution/heat/carbon/whatever, that's said to be the cause of global warming.

However, humans seem to generally think that we should never ever limit birthrates, and instead we have the hubris to believe that we can create some sort of technological solution, like electric cars, carbon capturing, etc etc etc. Meanwhile, population continues to grow and we will soon be facing food/water insecurity (for those of us who aren't yet), resources dwindling, etc etc.

Don't believe me? Here are the world's population numbers for every decade since 1960:

1960 - 3,019,233,434
1970 - 3,695,390,336
1980 - 4,444,007,706
1990 - 5,316,175,862
2000 - 6,148,898,975
2010 - 6,985,603,105
2020 - 7,840,952,880
2023 - 8,045,311,447

I think most of us on this board were around in 1980. Did you ever imagine that the world's population would almost double in the next 43 years? And we're wondering why our climate/environment is taking a beating? Not to mention all of the animal species that are disappearing at an alarming rate.