Good one Dart.

I'll keep it going here.

This penguin is driving along & his car starts overheating, so he pulls into a service station to have it looked at. He sees it's leaking something. The service manager tells him he'll have a look at it. The penguin sees an ice cream place across the street, so he goes over for an ice cream while he waits for the mechanic to check things out (penguins love ice cream). It's pretty awkward for the little guy to eat an ice cream cone with just having flippers, so he gets a bit messy.

About 30 minutes goes by, so he heads back across the street to check out his car. The mechanic says: "Looks like you blew a seal" - to which the penguin assures him "oh no - it's just ice cream!"

No Man With A Good Car Needs To Be Justified