We have reached a point of devastation concerning not just manufacturing- but ANYTHING that requires human beings to make work. In manufacturing- such as our beloved car parts- there is a shortage of COMPETENT workers. What workers show up are below average to unacceptable. What product is made and makes it out the door is suspect in quality to unusable. Look at the service you get with your drs office now- go to a restaurant- try a fast food drive thru at 7pm. AMD a while back was dumping a lot of sheet metal- I assume these items will no longer be made? I was lucky to get my Hoosier pro street radial rear tires 2 months ago. Summit and Jegs - either "None in stock" or "Better order soon 1 in stock." But I would like to see all mopar sheet metal continued ready to use- drop in wire harnesses.

Keep old mopars alive.