I had never heard of a Pluto Pillow - looks interesting.

I am presently sleeping with the small size “Travel Pillow” made by MyPillow
which has been the best I have tried.

I recently had to take 14 days of the strong antibiotic Clindamycin for a tooth infection
and have not been sleeping as good,
perhaps because the “broad spectrum” antibiotic wiped out some of the “good bugs in the gut”.

Good and bad gut bugs have certainly been in the medical news.

Since year 1906 medical researchers have beeb trying unsuccessfully to transfer Alzheimer’s disease
by taking some kind of sample from a human
and then infecting a animal with it to give the animal Alzheimers disease,
and here is how they finally successfully did it:


I have not pulled the trigger on buying the new cheaper CO2 and PM 2.5 um meters for home use
because the Amazon reviews have been so critical.

If only they would sell a gas meter that would do double duty - home air measurement and engine tailpipe exhaust analysis?
