Originally Posted by Dart 500
I dont know about any of that, but I did order a my pillow and now I crash and just wake up 8 hours later, no tossing and turning etc. It works! (use the t-shirt chart to get the right pillow)

I have a travel size MyPillow and consider it the best pillow I have ever slept with.
It does machine wash and dry without issue.

I cannot help sleeping on my stomach which the Doctors correctly say causes problems.

I have lots of experience from swimming in being in “extreme oxygen debt - high CO2” blood level and body conditions.
At one time I could easily hold my breath for more than 2 minutes, and swim at 100% muscle effort for 22 to 50 seconds without taking a breath.

I have been trapped in the “undertow” of white water rapids for what seemed like “forever” even with a flotation vest trying to help me back to the surface.

I am very aware of the one lone coal miner who survived out of 12 in the low oxygen, high carbon monoxide air in a coal mine which MDs speculate was because he ate fish 3 times per week and had more Omega-3 fat in his body tissues than his 11 crew members.


The “sleep apnea” condition puts people into high CO2/ low oxygen conditions for long periods.
Several close family members have used these machines for years.

Around 1991 I was told I needed to lose 40 lbs or start using a CPAP machine.
I was able to loose the weight relatively easily by walking 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in late afternoon.
I used the official US Army method of walking 3 miles in 50 minutes, then resting/drinking/ peeing for 10 minutes, then walking 3 miles in 50 minutes, etc.

The engineer in me calculated that my “fuel economy” at 4 mph was 40 miles on one pound of Lard (fat).
Lard is pretty close to Diesel fuel, so that works out to roughly 240 MPG at 4 mph walking speed.

Since nearly everyone has 5 lbs of body fat,
the realization that we could walk 1200 miles with just water is rather stunning to think about.

Birds like Pigeons may have “fuel economy” of 1000 MPG at 30 mph which is also thought provoking, although they may use favoring tail winds.