This is a recipe (a friend of mine) that we affectionately refer to as $chit sauce. A friend of mine got this from someone else, then tweaked it to his palate. It's more of a spread/dipping sauce than something that you'd sprinkle on your food, but I guess that could be changed also.
Being here on the coast we have occasional shrimp boils. My personal favorite way to eat $chit sauce is mixed with cocktail sauce...also known as $chit-tail sauce. Now regular $chit sauce is really good on a cracker with cheese and summer sausage...or...

Habanero Sauce (AKA [censored] Sauce)

18 Habanero Peppers
4 Cloves Garlic, peeled
3 Carrots, peeled
Apple Cider Vinegar
Salt to taste

Cut peppers in half and seed 8-12 (depends on how hot you want it). Leave seeds in remaining peppers. Cut carrots into 1-2 inch pieces. Place peppers, garlic and carrots in blender. Turn on and add vinegar until it all blends together. Add vinegar and puree into a “soupy” consistency. Move operation outside (will stink up the house). Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 30-40 minutes, stirring frequently while drinking beer, until it reaches the desired consistency. I like it a little runny, but thick enough to stick to whatever you’re dipping. If it gets too thick, add more vinegar…too thin, keep cooking. Add salt to taste. Cool and then put back in blender and puree until smooth. Bottle and enjoy in moderation.