The tech told me that the sure fire thing to look for is the rubber seal in the old master cly cap. If it was distorted or swelled, then it was certain all the rest of the rubber in the system was swollen and needed replacement. Well, the cap seal looks brand new and no swelling. I talked to a couple of freinds that have both been techs on all kinds of cars at different shops. They both said I simply have air in the system and it’s very hard to get out of an ABS system. They say to gravity bled or pressure bleed. Neither one has ever heard what this dealer tech claims. One said that it was a ploy to be able to replace a lot of parts and charge a lot of money to fix the problem when you just properly bleed the brakes. Sounds like something a dealer would come up with. I have been looking on the dodge truck forums and soft brakes is a common problem. Fixes are as many varied as the number of replies on the thread. Everyone has a different fix. I’ve alwas been told you should never just force the disc brakes cups back in so you can install new pads because reversing the direction of the fluid harms the ABS valve. One guy told to get a pump that reverse pressures the system to get the air out. I’m still looking for a fix.