It defiantly can be done but cost prohibitive. The original needs to be replicated in CAD, then modified. The conversion to 3D and printing are going to be the cheap parts. I would suggest you look on sites like " Grabcad" (or similar) and see if there is something to start with. Otherwise it will need to be scanned with a 3d scanner, modified in CAD, then printed...
do you have a pic of the emblem?

A decent drawing with accurate measurements is all a guy needs to be able to program and print a part.

photo 1 is a wood replacement someone made
photo 2 is an original NOS part
photo 3 is my drawing
photo 4 is the 3D printed prototype

DSCF4497 (2016_11_22 02_37_15 UTC).JPG985575pm.jpgScan.jpgIMG_6404.JPG