I'm 2,000 miles away. I placed my order this morning at 3 am, and here it is 7 am. Why have I not yet received my package?

Some people can't understand how these systems work. There is no possibly way to explain it so they can understand.

Pretty happy all the business from my shop was in person, on site. I didn't have to deal with this crap. It was pretty easy for me to look them in the eye and tell them I could not give them what they wanted in their time frame, so they needed to find someone else to do their job. I would give them a time frame that I could do the job in. Then it was their choice, on my time frame, or find someone else. I may have missed out on some income, but I did not working under pressure from them. Any distraction because of them inquiring about their job being done faster in (less then my time frame), just pushed the finish time back farther, and I told them so. I worked as quickly as I could to complete their job, but I would not cut corners to save a few minutes.