Originally Posted by Fat_Mike
About 8 years ago the wife and I were in the living watching TV, middle of the day and heard what (to me) sounded like someone smashed through one of the windows in the back of the house. My first though, shoot, the guns are all in the back of the house. So I quickly and quietly slipped down the hallway, grabbed a pistol from the bedroom, and began to slowly check each room. When I got to the bathroom, there it was...one of the shower door had self destructed.
Once I got the mess cleaned up I googled it, and sure enough, it's fairly common, although in all my years I'd never heard of such a thing.

SAME with us a few years ago in our main floor bathroom. The shower door glass just exploded. Bad part is one of our cats heard this & ran into the bathroom to see what the he!! had just happened. She was in & out of the bathroom before I got there, & had stepped in a bunch of tiny glass shards, but she was fine afterword. When I cleaned-up in there, there was fine glass splinters & powder EVERYWHERE, so I know our kitt got this on the bottom of her paws. She was OK though. Very dangerous situation. What if this had happened if someone was in the shower? Where would you step?

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