In my shop I use "Real time labor guide" it is very cheap but not free, I find their times to be one of the most accurate with how long it would take me to do a job after doing it a time or two. Once in a while the time is just totally bizzar one way or the other but every labor time guide I have ever used does that (mitchel, all data, Dodge, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Volvo, Daewoo) the factory labor times seem to be extremly optimistic and usually have a different labor time for the same job if it is paid as warranty by the manufacturer or if it is customer paid. Some shops I have worked in look it up in 2 or 3 different labor guides and pick the highest time. Your best bet is to ask the shop doing the work for an estimate before doing the repairs don't just tell em to fix it whatever it costs. Also ask them how they bill for things not covered in the labor guide like extracting broken, rusted or rounded off bolts... In my shop if I can get the bolt out in a few minutes I just move on and never mention or charge for it, if it takes me more than 15 minutes or so I start charging straight time for however long it takes to get it out, if the labor guide is real generous on the time I will generally be willing to eat a little more time, if it is already eating my lunch I am more likely to start chargin extra time sooner.

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!