You want to see a buttload of mistakes? Check out Starsky & Hutch. eek

I don't think thay made the slightest effort for continuity. As long as the striped tomato looked good, I guess that's all that mattered. laugh2

Saw an episode tonight where they were in a taxi trying to avoid the bad guys. Starsky and the taxi driver were upfront. Hutch and a woman were in the back. Whoever the camera focused on, the interior was a different color behind them! Focus on Starsky, black interior. Focus on the driver, green interior. Focus on Hutch and the woman in back, tan interior. It was funny to watch!

Then, later on with the bad guys closing in, they decide to ditch the taxi at a gas station. Keep in mind, the bad guys were closing in behind them, but when the bad guyscatch up at the station, they come from the opposite direction!

There were more, but those two examples were the most memorable.



The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥