Jim, you really need a data logger. Your analytical mind would eat up the output from a data logger.

I spent all day at the track today helping a guy get his 2022 COPO dialed in. It was interesting to watch how the stall speed would change as we would make other adjustments to the car. Not that stall speed changes a huge amount, but we could move it up or down 100 rpm by changing two step RPM or shift RPM.

The other thing that was interesting is that the car ran almost exactly the same times all day along regardless of what we changed. We varied the timing from 34 to 38, adjusted the two step RPM up and down several hundred RPM and we changed the shift points up and down a few hundred RPM. Car kept repeating within 0.01 regardless of what we did.

Last edited by AndyF; 06/11/23 07:22 PM.