Sorry guys, didn't mean to give y'all a heart attack. blush I don't have anyone waiting in the wings to fill in for me, so if I kick off, I'll just be gone. frowwn (unless I haunt this place......)

Thanks for all the comments, they are appreciated. I'm not totally Mopar less, I still have my Dakota. While it is 30 yrs old (!), it's not the same kind of 'vintage'.

It was kinda crazy when the buyer came yesterday to get the wagon. I don't know if I angered the Gods or what, but the ONLY time it rained in the last three days was when we were trying to load the wagon. Not before, not after, just during. Pulling up my weather app showed one lone storm cloud, right over us. Weird. realcrazy shruggy

Was over there today cleaning the space up, it's gonna take me a while to get used to not seeing the wagon. bawling

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Thanks again guys. beer


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥