Originally Posted by 360view
Cheap brittle taps and drill bits have greatly stimulated my creativity to invent new curse words

that reminds me of my old man.............
one day, way many moons ago, he was doing some repair work at the Eagles Club here on main st. [he was a trustee for very long time before he passed].
he needed a 1/4" drill bit, and although the house was only a tick over a mile away, he didn't want to drive home for one.
as there was a G.C. Murphy 5 & 10 cent store right across the street from the Club, and there were a few patrons "holding down the bar" [as the old man would say] he sent one of the most trusted [?] patrons across the street to get a 1/4" drill bit.
since Murphy's didn't sell bits separately, a "complete quality set" was purchased for the princely sum [at the time] of $4.99 [plus tax of course].........
the old man grabbed the 1/4" bit, stuck it in the drill, and proceeded to drill the hole.
when the hole broke through, it promptly bent into a 90 degree angle without breaking, causing the drill to be whipped from the old man's hands. the bar patrons ROARED with laughter, causing the old man to say lots of "bad words" ! whistling boogie laugh2

then there was the time my brother was installing a metal stair railing in a loft apartment........
the railing was just your cheap-o home improvement store pre-made chinesium, painted black with the twisted uprights, needing holes drilled in the base[es] to mount to your stair treads.
the chinesium drilled easily until the last hole. that one seemed tougher than the others, and looking at the bit, little bro saw it was getting a tad dull. he figured since it was the last hole, no big deal, since the chinesium must have been really tough on the bit, he would just finish the hole and toss the bit............
heaving on the drill until it started to slightly get "real warm", he FINALLY got the hole through !!!!!!!
looking at the bit, he was surprised to find the tip of the bit BLUE !
well, the hole was through, and he was gonna toss the bit anyway.
firing up the drill to cool it off, he found.............the drill was in REVERSE ! .............boy, did we howl when he told that story ! laugh2 panic laugh2