Had a nice time on Saturday, seen a lot of friends, felt good being out for the first this year. Then on Sunday, I was kicked out of my swap spot by security and could not sell and load up stuff I had bought. Mind you I was 14 minutes late to the gate closing and my swap spot was literally 15ft on the dirt path next to The Mopar shop display (whom I would help out ED and his family during the show). No kidding I went around to my spot, security came by and told me it's too late to be there and made me leave my spot I was already in. I asked them to talk to Paul which knew of my spot, they called on a phone and still denied. Kind of embarrassed and miffed. I'm talking with my friends and club members who attended to see if it is still worth attending ether events in the future.

Last edited by migsBIG; 04/17/23 10:47 AM.