I watched this a few times. I even cast it to the big screen and I think I see a bigger problem.

1 Crewman walks away from truck without latching the top of door.
2 Starter runs over and latches the top of the door.
3 Crewman returns to truck and unlatches and opens door.
4 Starter throws crewman to ground and door slams closed.
5 NOBODY latches the top of the door.
6 Truck stages and off they go.

Somebody please tell me that's not what actually happened and I missed something.

What if the door had come off at say 180+ mph, aero is disrupted, truck lifts up off the track, barrel rolls a few times, hits the other competitor and they both go over the wall in a fireball?

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.