I have fun reading this kind of treads, Just a few things I've noticed over the years,

Taking a car apart is easy.
Taking it apart so it can be reassembled is harder.
Taking it apart so some of it can be reused is really hard.
I've never seen a body guy, or mechanic that thinks the last guy that did something on a car did it "the right way".
Most body guys and most mechanics will tell the customer they they are "going to fix it the right way, not like the last guy did."
The only difference most people see between a $50 part and the same part that is a $20 part is $30 more money.
Most people can't understand how its going to take hours to "Put that little part in there."
Everything on the car worked until you did that unrelated thing to it, now they expect you to fix this unrelated thing for free.
Most people believe your shop's hourly rate shouldn't be any higher then their hourly pay.
They watched that restoration show on TV, they know its only going to take a month to restore their car and they know your going to put $30,000 of what your charging them into your pocket.
Doesn't matter how many months you have been working on their car, if you expect to be paid some labor money, you intend to rip them off.
It doesn't have to be "show quality" until after they have paid you.