Found online.....seems pretty comprehensive.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the required length of time to save business documents varies depending on what the item is and when the period of limitation on that item runs out. The minimum holding requirement for any document is two years, but there are some that must be kept permanently. If you've ever filed a fraudulent tax return, you must keep all records indefinitely.

Accounting Records

Financial records such as the accounts payable ledger, balance sheets, check register and general ledger will need to be kept permanently. Other records such as cash receipts, dividend checks, cost accounting records and accounts receivable invoices and ledgers will need to be kept between five and seven years. In addition, records such as bank statements, accounts payable invoices, payroll checks, canceled checks, earnings register, expense reports and labor cost records will need to be kept between two and three years.

Tax Records

With taxes, the length of time to keep records also varies. For example, annuity and deferred payment plans, depreciation schedules, dividend registers, inventory reports, tax bills and statements, tax returns, sales tax returns and pension returns will need to be kept permanently. Payroll tax returns will need to be kept at least seven years. Also, employee withholding, excise exemption certificates, manufacturing excise reports and retail excise reports will need to be kept for a minimum of four years.

Personnel Records

The recommended length of time to keep personnel records also varies. Records such as injury frequency charts and health and safety bulletins should be kept permanently. Accident reports, injury claims and settlements should be kept for 30 years. Employee insurance records should be kept for 11 years. Attendance records should be kept for seven years. Employee contracts should be kept for six years. Garnishments, applications and terminations should be kept for five years. Fidelity bonds should be kept for three years. Also, job descriptions, rating cards and time cards should be kept for two years.

Corporate Records

With the exception of surety bonds that need to be kept for three years and administrative records that need to be kept for 10 years, all other corporate records need to be kept permanently. The category of administrative records typically includes audit reports and classified documents. Common examples of corporate records include annual reports, authority to issue securities, capital stock ledger, charters, constitutions, bylaws, contracts, corporate election records, incorporation records, stock transfers, insurance policies, patents, trademarks and copyrights.

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