Originally Posted by Soopernaut
Originally Posted by larrymopar360

I use to notice as a little kid the early Firebird had the single round headlights and the "400" emblem. Then they upgraded him to the quad headlight and no more 400. He had the Esprit or however you spell it.

I read something that said all the cars used were Formula 400s because the standard models wouldn't necessarily perform and hold up to what they were put through. They made the cars look like Esprit models to seem more realistic for his character. Garner didn't like the look of the 79-80 models so they continued to use old ones.

I remember reading that too.

I sometimes wonder what they would have done if for whatever reason the show had made it into the totally redesigned Firebird of 1982? I can't picture Jim driving one of those.


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥