Originally Posted by topside
Garner was also a racer of some repute, so yeah, he knew a bit about handling a car.
That was an era where men who projected calm capability and ethics were role models.
The Esprit model was allegedly chosen because the Rockford character wouldn't have the money for a TA, nor a desire to project flashiness.

I guess Garner was a pretty meticulous sort: I read in McQueen's biography that McQueen used to toss empty beer cans on Garner's roof to drive him nuts when they were neighbors.
That's hilarious.

A few years ago I googled "29 Cove Rd" and it looks similar now just more grown. I'll have to look again. I'd love to drive by the spot someday.

What a great choice Noah Beery Jr. was to play his father! So believable, and such a likable character (Remember a different actor played his father in the Pilot). Their relationship was so sweet and believable with their frequent arguments that always ended showing their loving father/son relationship.


Facts are stubborn things.