Originally Posted by DeMopuar
Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by Wirenut
Originally Posted by HemiSportFury
My trailer is an '02 that stays outside. Has been washed and waxed many times, but the last time I did it I compounded it before waxing. Made night and day difference.

Don't know why it came out sideways, but you get the idea.

Looks good . I have the sideways problem too!,

Open the pic, roate 90 degrees, save / close and post wink

if possible I think putting them under a lean to would like do wonders and extend the life substantially. tarping may be another option shruggy beer

If the trailer sits outside it would be really good to get tire covers to keep UV rays off of the rubber to help get a little more life out of the rubber. How many times have any of us seen travel trailers or any trailer beside the road with blowouts? I change my tires every 5 years no matter how much tread is on them as I don't want to change a tire on the interstate system anywhere.

I do use the tire covers .