Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by A12
Originally Posted by Sniper
Only works if you don't look at how hydrogen is actually made NOW.

I think about the same thing was said about oil, gasoline, diesel and kerosene back in the mid 1800's. Eventually there will be a John Davison Rockefeller type company come along and figure out how to "git er done". It will be just as cheap as making batteries or cheaper and China won't have everyone by the ba........ just my twocents

Gee, we could just use fusion power to generate the hydrogen, should be ready in sometime in the next 30 years, which they have been saying for the late 50+ years.

IOW, don't count your chickens till the egg hatches.

There's been no urgent need for hydrogen like there seems to be now or in the coming future. So I'll just lay down and crawl up into the fetal position and let the eco warriors take over and sign up for an EV, which btw most thought as little as a decade or two ago would never happen or be a threat to the internal combustion engine. Look at how battery technology has advanced leaps and bounds in just the last decade and not with just electric/battery vehicles. You can bet if there is a demand for hydrogen someone will figure it out because it means $$$$$$$. Someone will figure it out, and I'll be back grin wink