Originally Posted by volaredon
The 73 fury wagon my mom had in the late 70s/early 80s came from Strandquist. I distinctly remember the decal on the tailgate and wondered how it ended up so far from there to wind up with us .... I have no idea who my dad bought it from but I can guarantee it was a private party sale from the south suburbs of Chicago. As we're all the cars my dad ever bought since I can remember. It was from either a classified ad in the Chicago heights star newspaper or a call in to the trading post program on the local AM station out of the same town. Only 2 places that dad ever bought cars from.....

PS: it was good seeing ya at indy today, couldn't say "hey" because every time I went by your booth you were quite busy.

It is best just to pick up a part on my tables and throw it at me, that generally gets my attention...LOL..

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!