Current cat is the orange floof; Riley. She's that 1-in-5 orange females. She's lucky she's so pretty and snuggly when she wants to be. Because otherwise, she's the most bone-headed cat we've ever had. She can't jump to save her life. Her own shadow scares her. She's a part-time outside cat, but if she needs to make.... she has to be let back inside to use the facilities. Refuses to make outside.


But we adopted her. She's our responsibility.

She's a far cry from my Korat, my little buddy..... Ivan. He wasn't a cat.... he was furry people. He played fetch. He'd walk on a leash. He LOVED car rides. He'd play in water --- he'd take showers..... his repertoire of commands would rival most dogs. And I'm not talking when you suggest to a cat, and they appear to do what they're told.... no.... if you told him "Bed" he'd go to his bed. If you said "Come", he'd stop whatever he was doing and join you by your feet.

I swear to God, this cat could pick up chicks. One time, when I still lived in the big city, I was walking him around the park, when out of nowhere these late teen / early 20's girls came running up and were just enthralled with him. So much so, that one girl scooped him up into her arms and of course the whole time he was just loving it. It took a few seconds and she even blurted out "Holy! I just picked up some strangers' cat!!

If I were smart, I would've asked for phone numbers. Pretty sad when a cat is an effective wing man.
Sadly, he disappeared one night. Don't know what was lurking around, but 5 people on our road lost pets that night. He's been gone 10 years now but we still talk about him.

He even liked my Quadraphonic 8-tracks.

Riley 999.JPGIvan 004.JPG100_0721.jpg
Last edited by That AMC Guy; 03/03/23 11:34 PM.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....