Originally Posted by mkdart
There is a way out if you have a inaccurate sending unit.
Tanks Inc. has a tuning tool called meter match.
It's a electronic devise that let's you to tune your sending unit
to your gas gauge.
I installed one last year.


The issue is across all car lines and suppliers (GM, Ford etc.) Owning a shop, we have spent HOURS draining, adjusting and refilling to wind up with a gauge that is inaccurate on the to full or empty side is a frustrating PITA. BTDT way more times than I can count. I don't know why it is so flipping hard to make one that is correct but it likely has to do with $$$ or laziness. Spectre several years back said they were going to resolve the issue but failed to do any better. frown
I now install it, check accuracy and if it's off (always is), implement the above solution and my hair has grown back. FYI, Tanks is a good company and will claim no problems with their SU but I know from experience that's 💩💩💩