
I've looked at ONE HELL of a lot of dist. caps over the years. A LOT. All this talk about "most" dist's needing "phasing." I still say this: WHERE IS THE PROOF? I've looked at many, many MANY caps and rotors, and if they were very far out of phase, you could SEE IT because of the CARBON TRACKING, the COPPER TRACKING or the ALUMINUM TRACKING or whatever else contacts are made of.

well, i guess that makes you the foremost authority. you've also made it abundantly clear where you stand on the issue. we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
i didn't use the term "most", but i've seen many over the years that needed phasing. the results i've seen after getting the phasing correct was less frequent tune-ups, improved performance and improved fuel economy.
you've already made your mind up that all mopar distributors are just fine, so you just keep on believing that and i'll just keep on believing that some are not, okay besides, no amount of proof would ever convince you otherwise.