Don't understand why some don't get why manufacturers have to say things like this? It's called legal LIABILITY and a "duty to warn". I've never seen someone get zapped or die by thousands of VOLTS putting an aftermarket camshaft in or a different supercharger pulley. I used to do technical bulletins for a motorcycle manufacture I worked for, (over 34 years) and in my early days first doing technical bulletins the company lawyer called me after reviewing one safety bulletin and said "Mike you left out that you could DIE if you don't follow the instructions in the bulletin". I said but that can't happen and he said "what's the worth thing that could happen in the most extreme case?" Yep the worst thing that could happen is you could DIE. So I had to put that in every safety related bulletin from there on out, even if I felt it was silly or stupid or could never happen if I didn't and someone did then big, big problems for me and the company and you guys have seen it in this world many, many times. You should see what we had to do to even sell an electric motorcycle and electric mini bike with legal and even EPA (huh?) yep emissions too. Dodge is just doing due diligence to Cover their @$$es and they don't care if someone thinks they are @$$es they WARNED YOU wink grin


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